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BREEDING - Töltriding english version Buy Bundle (47 videos) BREEDING - Töltriding english version
We visit some of the famous breeders on Iceland and get to meet the beautiful stallions in their home stables. The films will be available to you for ever at the cost of 300 sek (= about 30 USD). You will also have access to all new films added to the bundle. We add all English spoken material to our English bundles. You will find your films under "My films" on top of the page when logged in to Töltriding. This bundle contains of about 30-40 films in English (some are in collections), and here we focus on breeding. The films in our different English bundles are unique, they do not double. We have chosen to give you as much as material as possible - that said there might be some parts of the films in Swedish, but mostly the language is English. Also the introduction texts can be in Swedish. You can access the videos through our apps in Appstore and GooglePlay - search for "Töltriding", where you can download for viewing when no internet.

Reportages at the Icelandic breeders: Sunnuhvoll, Arbakki, Austurás, Vesturkot, Mette Moe Mannseth, Syðra-Skörðugil, Saurbaer, Staðarhus, Sumarlíðabær, Álfhólar, Fet, Árbæjarhjáleiga, Þóroddsstaðir

Total (including taxes)
250.00 kr
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